The core values of In His Image Bible Institute International are foundational beliefs inherent in its operation as a Christian institution. The core values compel IHIBII to measure every action against its values for a standard of ethics in its daily operation.
Biblical Inerrancy
In His Image Bible Institute International seeks to bring every aspect of personal and corporate life under the functional authority of the inerrant Word of God by obeying its commands, applying its principles, and refraining from dogmatism where the Bible is silent. IHIBII is prepared to stand on biblical inerrancy against the opposing tide of compromising norms and peer pressure (2 Timothy 3:16).
In His Image Bible Institute International seeks to live, teach, and promote lives filled with godly choices in the face of temptation and ethical compromise. Consistent growth toward Christ-like attitudes and demonstrated behavior with the context of responsible church membership and involvement are all a part of integrity. IHIBII affirms the necessity of yielding to the Lordship of Jesus Christ as the unconditional Lord of life (Romans 12:2).
Global Missions
In His Image Bible Institute International is committed to implementing Christ’s mandate to fulfill the Great Commission by stimulating and training Christians for evangelistic church planting and supporting ministries through global evangelization (Matthew 28:19).
Dedicated Servanthood
In His Image Bible Institute International is dedicated to training Christian leaders whose lives reflect the conviction that both individual and corporate prayer is essential in the pursuit of God’s purposes for holy living and fruitful ministry. IHIBII further seeks to cultivate an understanding of and commitment to worship and giving as a vital response of the believer to God. IHIBII desires to be a community marked by joyful reliance upon God for material provision, victory over sin, growth in Christ-likeness, and fruitful service to God and others (Matthew 25:21).
In His Image Bible Institute International is committed to embracing and empowering multicultural Christian communities without regard to ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, nationality, or handicap. IHIBII develops Christian leaders to impact the world (1 Corinthians 9:22).
World Vision: IHIBII will prepare students to engage their culture as they use their professional training and energies towards impacting a culturally diverse world.
Personal Responsibilities and Growth: IHIBII will equip students with the knowledge and skills to live productive and fruitful lives in their communities.
Transforming Communities: IHIBII is engaged in maintaining a positive, affirming climate that encourages personal and collective growth and improvement in their communities. Also, IHIBII is dedicated to modeling individual and institutional service to the communities in which they serve.