Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies
This is a four-year program of college-level courses designed to train and equip pastors, missionaries, youth workers, and full-time Christian ushers within the local church. Only limited substitutions may be made with the approval of the school for valid reasons.
Students enrolled for the Bachelor of Biblical Studies program will pursue the listed concentrations; Bible and Theology. Students desiring to pursue a more academic approach moving towards earning a Master of Divinity degree, Doctor of Ministry or teaching may be more likely to purse the Bible of Theology program. It is highly suggested that all applicants/students meet with a program advisor to determine which track is best suited for their desired outcome.
Bible/Theology – 27 credit hours (9 courses)
Bi 105 Pentateuch
Bi 111 Life of Christ
Bi 108 Old Testament Survey
Th 200 Prolegomena
Th 210 Bibliology
Th 307 Hermeneutics
Th 300 Theology Proper
Bi 116 New Testament Survey
Th 325 Apologetics
General Studies – 33 credit hours (11 courses)
Ed 101 English Grammar
Ed 102 English Composition (Prereq: E 101)
Sp 107 Effective Oral Communication
SS 112 Interpersonal Cross-cultural Comm.
Math 098 Basic Concepts of Mathematics
Hist 228 Survey of American History
Hist 253 Survey of World History
Sc 260 Basic Computers/Word Processing OR
Sc 270 Advanced Computer Applications
Ed 351 Literature of the Western World (Prereq: E 101 & E 102)
Sc 366 Principles of Science
Hist 414 Church History
Core Courses – 27 credit hours (9 courses)
LS 101 Developing the Healthy Leader
ATh 115 Success for Life and Ministry
ATh 205 Principles of Spiritual Growth
ATh 248 Urban Evangelism
Ed 216 Introduction to Christian Education
Ss 225 Marriage and Family
Ls 427 Principles of Organizational Admin
Mi 435 Contextualization of the Gospel
ATh 473 Internship: Religious Studies
General Electives – 12 credit hours (4 courses)
Choose 5 courses from any area
Bible and Theology Track
Communication – 6 credit hours (2 course)
Choose any 2 Biblical language course
(Either Greek I & II or Hebrew I & II)
Bible/Theology Electives 15 credit hours (5 elective courses)
Choose any seven courses with Bi, Th, SS,Ph prefix or Biblical Language
Students choose the B.B.S degree to serve in their local congregations and use it as a stepping stone to a master’s degree. Outside of the classroom, the degree program requires Practical Christian Ministry assignments in the mid-course of their training.
The Bachelor’s Degree program equips students to use their gifts and knowledge in several ways. Below are examples of possible career options:
Pastor, Associate Pastor, Christian Education Director, Youth Pastor, Women’s Ministry Director, Bible Teacher, Bible Researcher, Missionary, Church Planter, Christian Service Organization Employee, Christian School Administrator, Chaplain, Relief Worker, Pastoral Counselor and Christian Camping Director.
Associate’s Degree in Biblical Studies
The Associate of Biblical Studies (A.B.S.) degree provides students with the core of what In His Image Bible Institute International (IHIBII) is all about. It is designed to equip students with a sound theological base for leadership, teaching and ministry within the local church, particularly related to volunteer or bi-vocational service. This is a two-year degree program.
Students choose the A.B.S. degree as an entrance into higher education. The degree can be a stepping stone to a bachelor's degree. It is also chosen by those who desire a basic biblical education to supplement education in another field. Often those desiring to serve on the mission field receive their biblical training in the context of an A.B.S. degree while they pursue another field of study, such as accounting or nursing, in a different educational environment. Outside of the classroom, the degree program requires Practical Christian Ministry assignments each semester.
The Biblical Studies Department equips students to use their gifts and knowledge in many ways. Some examples of possible career options are:
Pastor, Associate Pastor, Christian Education Director, Youth Pastor, Women’s Ministry Director, Bible Teacher, Bible Researcher, Missionary, Church Planter, Christian Service Organization Employee, Christian School Administrator, Chaplain, Relief Worker, Pastoral Counselor and Christian Camping Director.
Bible/Theology – 15 credit hours (5 courses)
Bi 105 Pentateuch
Bi 111 Life of Christ
Bi 108 Old Testament Survey
Th 200 Prolegomena
Th 210 Bibliology
Bible/Theology Electives – 12 Credits (4 Courses)
Choose any four courses with Bi or Th prefix
See list of electives below
General Studies – 21 credits (7 courses)
ATh Success for Life and Ministry
E 101 English Grammar (Prereq: E 101)
E 102 English Composition
Math 098 Basic Concepts of Mathematics
SS 112 Interpersonal Cross-cultural Comm.
Sc 260 Basic Computers/Word Processing OR
Sc 270 Advanced Computers Applications
Sc 366 Principles of Science
General Electives – 12 credits (4 courses)
Choose 6 elective courses from any area
See your Academic Adviser for assistance in selecting your electives
Certification in Biblical Studies
The Certification of Biblical Studies (C.B.S.) diploma provides students with the core of what In His Image Bible Institute International (IHIBII) is all about. It is designed to equip students with a sound theological base for leadership, teaching, and ministry within the local church, particularly related to volunteer or bi-vocational service. This is a one-year diploma program.
Students choose the C.B.S. program as an entrance into higher education. The certification can be a stepping stone to an associates’ degree. It is also chosen by those who desire a basic biblical education to supplement education in another field.
Bible/Theology – 9 credit hours (3 courses)
Bi 111 Life of Christ
Bi 108 Old Testament Survey
Th 200 Prolegomena
Bible/Theology Electives – 9 Credits (3 Courses)
Choose any three courses with Bi or Th prefix
See list of electives below
General Studies – 6 credits (2 courses)
ATh 115 Success for Life and Ministry
E 101 English Grammar (Prereq: E 101) or
E 102 English Composition
Math 098 Basic Concepts of Mathematics
SS 112 Interpersonal Cross-cultural Comm.
Sc 260 Basic Computers/Word Processing OR
Sc 270 Advanced Computers Applications
Sc 366 Principles of Science
General Electives – 6 credits (2 courses)
Choose 2 elective courses from any area
See your Academic Adviser for assistance in selecting your electives