DOCTOR OF MINISTRY (Doctor of Ministry)
The Doctor of Ministry program is a three-year program with four components: core courses, context-based covenant group, focus area electives, and project/dissertation. As part of its overall mission to educate persons for service in the ministry and marketplace, In His Image Bible Institute International offers the Doctor of Ministry degree. The purpose of the Doctor of Ministry degree is for qualified persons to increase their effectiveness by acquiring advanced competencies in various disciplines. The Doctor of Ministry degree focuses upon professional leadership development for the Church and society, and is intended for persons preparing for Christian leadership within the church, para-church organizations, and civic positions. General Description of the Curriculum: The Doctor of Ministry curriculum seeks to further develop a student’s leadership competencies required for Christian ministry in contemporary society. Therefore, the In His Image Bible Institute International Doctor of Ministry focuses on holistic ministerial and leadership preparation. All dimensions of Doctor of Ministry study encompass the environment and realities of the modern world in which ministry must take place. Much of the coursework involves in-service projects of direct benefit to the student’s ministry. In addition, regular classroom time provides occasions for disciplined study, critical reflection, and evaluation concerning ministry issues. The program also emphasizes learning from group interaction among peers. The faculty cultivates interaction among students, thus promoting openness, caring, and cross-fertilization of ideas. In His Image Bible Institute International’s classes typically contain people from many denominations, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, locations, and points of view, a fact, which makes the sharing among peers a desired and recognized feature of the Doctor of Ministry program.
Program Objectives
Students will:
1. Students will engage in the process of self-assessment and reflection, both personally and professionally, within a ministry context in order to analyze and enhance their ministry effectiveness.
2. Students will demonstrate enhanced ability to integrate effective and appropriate research design, methodology, and analytical evaluation techniques with biblical and theological reflection to enhance the practice of ministry.
3. Students will develop a “needs assessment” and “strategic approach” for identifying and addressing a specific challenge and/or issue within their identified ministry and community context.
4. Students will complete a thorough implementation project for the strategic ministry model developed for their ministry context and be able to communicate and collaborate with stakeholders in the implementation of the model.
All courses are 3 credits unless otherwise noted.
Core Curriculum 18
Project and Dissertation 9
Doctor of Ministry. Electives 9
Total Hours 36
Core Courses – 18 credit hours (6 courses)
DM 901 Doctor of Ministry Orientation and Assessment
DM 902 Foundations for Ministry Leadership: Scripture, History, and Theology
DM 903 Executive Coaching for Transformational Ministry
DM 904 Leadership and Peacemaking: Conflict and Reconciliation
DM 906 Leading Worship and Discipleship: Equipping a People, Communicating the Word
DM 909 Holistic Mission: Evangelism, Justice, and Mercy Ministries with Global Awareness
Electives - 9 credit hours (3 courses)
Elective courses in the student's area of focus up to 9 hours may be transferred and applied to the electives if they are from an accredited school and meet the requirements of the student’s focus of study and program structure.
Project and Dissertation – 9 credit hours (3 courses)
DM 931 Advanced Research Methodologies
DM 933 Doctor of Ministry Project/Dissertation
DM 934 Doctor of Ministry Dissertation
Fall Semester
DM 901 Doctor of Ministry Orientation and Assessment
DM 902 Foundations for Ministry Leadership: Scripture, History, and Theology
Spring Semester
DM 904 Leadership and Peacemaking: Conflict and Reconciliation
DM 931 Advanced Research Methodologies
Summer Semester
Fall Semester
DM 903 Executive Coaching for Transformational Ministry
DM 906 Leading Worship and Discipleship: Equipping People, Communicating the Word
Spring Semester
DM 909 Holistic Mission: Evangelism, Justice, and Mercy Ministries with Global Awareness
Summer Semester
Fall Semester
DM 933 Doctor of Ministry Project
Spring Semester
DM 934 Doctor of Ministry Dissertation
Course Descriptions
Advanced Research Methodologies - DM 931
This course is designed to offer advanced instruction in research, structure, and development of scholarly work. It will expertly guide students in the initial formulation of a dissertation proposal and outline. This course provides specific instructions concerning Turabian writing and dissertation planning. Students will undergo a thorough review of the process and management of research, especially as it relates to theological studies. Students will be introduced to the contemporary conventions of advanced academic research and communication, and become acquainted with newly emerging possibilities for framing inquiries and for gathering, organizing, and critically examining data.
Critical Issues for 21st Century Ministry – DM 920
The purpose for this course is to survey contemporary issues that those who are engaged in ministry in the 21st century will certainly encounter. The principle objective of the course is to provide a socio-cultural overview of the perennial challenges of the contemporary times and suggest methods for meaningful Christian engagement with people and the issues they embody. This course frames discussions about prevalent cultural concerns within a framework of sacred scripture, cogent theology, and solution oriented practical suggestions. The basis of this course hinges upon the notion that those engaged in ministry must be conversant in these issues of common culture.
Doctor of Ministry Orientation and Assessment - DM 901
This introductory course gives a general overview of the program and provides specific instruction and guidance toward fulfilling the requirements of the program. This includes: course progression, Turabian writing requirements, statistical analysis, covenant group stipulations, dissertation planning, etc. Students will meet with their individual faculty advisors and begin preliminary discussion of project/thesis topic.
The elective courses are to be taken in a common area of concentration reflecting the area of research which the student will engage in for his or her project and dissertation. There are two options for the student regarding the elective credits: First, the student may take courses in the current graduate program (either on the IHIBII campus or Online) in the concentration of biblical studies, applied theology, or leadership studies. These classes are currently offered at the master’s level of instruction, but to facilitate the Doctor of Ministry program additional reading with a reflection paper and an additional ten pages of writing will be added to the research paper required in the elective course. Second, the student may enroll in doctoral level courses from another accredited university in the area of their concentration and may transfer those credits into the IHIBII Doctor of Ministry program. (The total elective courses will be 9 credit hours.)
Executive Coaching for Transformational Ministry - DM 903
This course will expose students to the executive coaching model. The students will be expected to learn the practices of executive coaching techniques including developing authentic peer relationships, employing the Socratic method of listening and asking questions, providing focus, feedback, and reflection in a coaching context.
Foundations for Ministry Leadership: Scripture, History, and Theology - DM 902
This course will address the theological, philosophical, and historical tenets of ministerial leadership by exploring Scripture, the historical development of ecclesiastical leadership paradigms, and some contemporary models of ecclesiastical leadership. The servant leadership model of Jesus will also be explored as a methodology for contemporary ministerial leadership in the twenty-first century.
Holistic Mission: Evangelism, Justice, and Mercy Ministries with Global Awareness - DM 909
This course will explore the role of the church in addressing social justice issues within the United States and around the world and engage in mercy ministries that empower and liberate the mind, soul, and spirit of oppressed, marginalized, disenfranchised, and dispossessed people. This exploration shall invite the students examine acts of mercy and justice as loving acts of evangelism. It will address the concept of holistic mission as it relates to the church or parachurch ministries in the world of the twenty-first century.
Leadership and Peacemaking: Conflict and Reconciliation - DM 904
This course will address the role and function of ecclesiastical leaders as peacemakers and the manner in which this role and function can be used in conflict management and the reconciliation of parties. The theology, philosophy, and ethical dynamics associated and ascribed to the role of the “peacemaker” will be explored and examined with the context of a transitioning global context. This exploration will therefore examine and discuss the diverse techniques being taught and practiced within the 21st century on issues of conflict resolution and reconciliation.
Leading Worship and Discipleship: Forming a People, Communicating the Word - DM 906
This course will highlight the role of the minister within the worship experience, church discipleship, and communicator of the Word. It will examine and discuss biblical principles and precepts related to facilitating the liturgical embodiment of a community at worship and how that worshipful community lives out its divine calling. It therefore provides individuals with a forum to enhance their skills in these areas and provide them with methodologies and techniques for teaching others to function in these roles within the church or parachurch setting.
Project/Dissertation Colloquium Process
At two junctures in the student’s project/dissertation a colloquium of faculty and students will be used to evaluate and approve the student’s proposals and work.
Research Module Workshop
Each student must attend a research module workshop conducted by the IHIBII library while the student attends a main campus course. The research module will provide orientation about the nature of theological research on the Doctor of Ministry level. Further, the research module will provide the students information and preliminary experience with the research resources of IHIBII. This includes a comprehensive orientation to the variety of library learning resources, literature review resources, holdings of the library that are particularly helpful for Doctor of Ministry research, and computer accession of library holdings. The research module is preparatory for Doctor of Ministry projects.